Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Flatlining prices

If the FOB vegetable markets were a patient in a hospital emergency room, the defibrillator would be in constant use, because the patient would be flatlining about now.  As one wholesaler said yesterday, you can buy almost anything for $5.00, if you care to put up the money.  Wait a few minutes and you can probably have the item on consignment.  The last two weeks of January are typically among the toughest in the produce business, but this year has been especially hard.  Accounts receivable are a constant source of worry as weaker firms debate the merits of closing before they are forcibly shut down by economics.  The decision to extend credit is fraught with more risk than usual, as the ratings in last year's editions of the Produce Reporter Blue Book are lagging the events of the past few months.  Sometimes the new rating and bankruptcy declaration are simaltaneous.  Spring is coming, but the cast of players is changing at a breakneck pace.  Let's hope the patient responds before we have to pull the plug.

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