Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Florida we hardly knew ye

After 3 days of cool temps on Florida's west coast, we finally had a day in the 70's and a glimpse of what the beaches can offer.  The beach at Siesta Key is consistently voted #1 in America and it is pretty easy to see why.  The sand is the consistency of confectioner's sugar and the beach is at least 1000 feet deep and a half mile wide on the Gulf.  It was breezy and in the low 70s, but add a few degrees and I'll be back.  I think the rest of the week will be in that range, but unfortunately, our plane leaves this morning and the next time I feel a 70 degree temp outside will be in May (I hope) on the NCR.  So, it's back to reality and more grousing on the state of the veg business, which I  trust has not done much in my absence.

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