Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Federal Programs and food safety

The new federal budget cuts a $5 million program from the USDA which tests fruits and vegetables for diseases.  The rationale is the program should really be under the aegis of the FDA, but meanwhile there is no funding approved for it in the FDA budget.  Sounds like the program will quietly expire, unless or until someone dies from food poisoning which may or may not have been detected by inspectors.  Over the years I have been in the produce business, I have had several clashes with the federal bureaucracy involved in food testing and it has not always been friendly.  The mindset of the USDA is they are protecting the public and any inconvenience or loss experienced by shippers is acceptable collateral damage, so, their attitude is a polite version of "suck on this".  Naturally, part of me says good riddance to the program and let the bells of freedom ring.  The better angels say this is a worthwhile program which keeps growers and shippers honest in a cutthroat environment where the temptations to cut corners can lead to unsafe food.  On balance, I hope the program resurfaces in the FDA, but with shipper friendly changes which will lead to greater industry support and collaboration.  We are all on the same side when it comes to consumer safety.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, food poisoning can be prevented if food handlers:

    Wash their hands after using the toilet and between preparing different foods
    Store, prepare, handle and cook all food correctly
    Never serve undercooked food
    Only serve bottled mineral water with the seal intact
    Avoid cross contamination by using different chopping boards for different foods
    Keep all kitchen work surfaces clean

    Salmonella Food Poisoning
