Thursday, February 16, 2012

A world without MickeyD

And Pepsi and Coke and ADM, etc., etc.  So goes the dream of Raj Patel, a food activist in an article in The Atlantic.  His argument is if we can ban cigarette sales in drug stores and fast food adverising, why not just ban the corporations which push this junk on the American people.  The relentless drumbeat of sweet, salt and fat are exploding American waistlines and leading to a generation of children who will not be as healthy or long-lived as their parents.  This will reverse centuries of improvements to public health and longevity.  Patel dares to place the blame on the multinationals and proposes to put them out of the business of undermining the health of the country's citizens.  Sounds like a worthwhile proposition, except, the legions of lawyers these corporations will deploy to maintain their ability to poison us must also be dealt with.  As he also points out, the track record of banning things Americans love is not a good one.  Prohibiton springs to mind.  Bootleg cola and chips anyone?

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