Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl of Veggies

No, I'm not talking about the epic battle for the second or third spot on American's dinner plates, although that is an ongoing struggle.  It's the lack of advertising for the healthiest foods you can eat.  If you tuned into the Super Bowl yesterday, and even the normally sports agnostic Mrs. M did for at least a few minutes, you and she saw not a single commercial touting vegetables.  At $4.5 million for 30 seconds, plus millions more to produce a riveting  commercial, I guess even the biggest vegetable focused corporations couldn't make the cut.  Polar bears hawking Coke and dogs chasing cars.  Beer and junk food as the be all and end all of sustenence for the American middle class.  Ugh.  The veg industry needs a strategy to promote itself, and so far the big organizations supposedly leading the industry are failing badly.  "Five a day" is not cutting it.

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