Thursday, February 16, 2012

Same old not so frozen tundra

Flying into Plattsburgh yesterday looked like a spring morning in April, not a winter day in mid February.  The big lake is open, and there was no snow to be seen.  To be sure, the ground is still frozen, but that may change as the forecast for next week includes a fair amount of rain and some 50 degree temps.  If winter is expecting to make a comeback, it had better start soon.  Unfortunately, the transition to more springlike weather has not jump started a craving for fresh veg among the populace.  Sales seem down no matter who you speak to, and no one is very optimistic things will turn around in the near future.  But with warmer weather, hope springs up.  Besides, the first seed orders have arrived and it is time to start the new season's first crops.  Who could ask for anything more.

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