Thursday, February 2, 2012

Final Stands

By now, the large rodent in Punxatawney, Pa. has probably predicted that spring is just around the corner.  Even a groundhog can see winter has been a fraud in most of the US this year.  I had to laugh at the weather channel the other day when they were reduced to calling a temp of six below zero in Moscow a cold snap.  I'll bet there were Russians in flip flops with those temps in January.  But of course we must not disturb the narrative that there is no global warming.  I harvested some kale for dinner last night.  I forget which cartoon character said it, but "Nuff said"  is all you can reply to the idea of open garden vegetables in February in Peru, N.Y. as far as climate change is concerned.  Of  course there will be ups and downs as the scenario plays out, but anyone who continues to deny the reality of climate change is rapidly becoming irrelevant to the conversation.

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