Monday, February 20, 2012

Nothing but blue sky

That's a pretty radical forecast for the north country at this time of the year, but the weekend and President's Day are certainly making weathermen look good.  Sunny weather and temps in the upper 30s are certainly about a month early for us.  The soil in covered cold frames was in the 60s on Saturday which inspired me to plant some long day sweet onions to get a headstart.  Speaking of headstarts, I got the peppers and some long season herbs and flowers going indoors last night.  It feels good to be looking ahead to the summer.  Meanwhile, the produce markets remain flat or declining for most items.  The consensus that seems to be forming is the low pricing is the result of too much good weather in producing areas and too little income in consumer's pockets.  The low prices are finally starting to filter down to the chain stores, so that could start to boost consumption, but there is still a huge overhang to work through.  This could be a long spring of the produce business discontent.

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