Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It was a Sunny Day

Sunrise and moonset at about the same time today.  The early part of February is always a hopeful time in my universe.  The seed orders are in, and the anticipation of starting the gardening year, the lengthening days, and the general sense of pre-spring euphoria on a day like today can set the blood racing.  Of course, with the temp at 10 above 0 you can come back to earth relatively quickly, but by now, the worst of the winter is behind us.  If only the wholesale veg market would be as optimistic as me!  The news from wholesalers and retailers alike is pretty glum so far this month.  With above normal temps through much of the country, there are no weather disasters to tweak the markets, so every area suffers.  The onion market in particular is in disarray.  You can buy 50 lbs. of jumbo yellow in Oregon-Washington for $3.25/bag.  They have plenty more in storage, and the new Mexican onions are starting to cross the border with South Texas and California deals poised to start soon.  It looks like Oniongeddon if you are marketing these crops.  Boccoli is another dog, with crowns leaving the farm at $4.00 in Southern Cal and Az.  Local areas in the Southeast which usually take a timeout in January and Feb. are still pumping out volume and more northern areas will start earlier than usual, so that crop will not be fun either.  These are just a couple of the problematic marketing dilemmas facing the industry as we stagger toward spring.

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