Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Winter Doldrums

Will whoever pulled the plug on America's appetite for fresh vegetables please reinsert.  It is hard to believe the markets are as slow as they appear to be.  I have spoken to many people in the last two days who say this is the slowest January they can remember, with many admitting to more than 30 years experience.  As usual, no one is certain of the cause, but the tried and true excuses are trotted out and excercised.  The Christmas bill hangover, the cabin fever syndrome, Super Bowl anticipation, and on and on.  Personally, I think people are cooking fewer meals at home and not eating vegetables as often at restaurants.  The success of the Texas Roadhouse chain, which has been packing them in at the Plattsburgh location since opening two months ago is a case in point.  You cannot get a seat without waiting up to two hours.  I refuse to wait that long for mediocre food, but having eaten at one of their stores in  Myrtle Beach, I can tell you that vegetables are like an afterthought at an Alzheimer's convention.  I can guarantee a similar size vegetarian restaurant opening in the same location would probably have closed by now. 

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