Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutely beginning 2012

It's a quiet start to what should be a momentus year for the world in general and Casa Monzeglio more particularly.  Graduation, marriage, the 60s (as in age, not era) are all in the offing.  It should be very entertaining.  Meanwhile, the produce deal limps along as we start January, but that is not unusual.  People seem to hunker down as the winter picks up steam in the first month.  Comfort food is in vogue, and green stuff and fresh fruit may be healthy, but not what Northerners typically crave this time of year.  If you happen to be at a ski mountain, just check out the offerings in the base lodge;  chili in bread bowls, stew, and pizza are the most popular menu suggestions.  Somehow, they seem to have forgotten the broccoli and spinach, unless mixed with heavy cream and other artery clogging accompaniaments.  In the produce biz, winter is mostly something you get through, rather than an opportunity to push new products.  The fact that February is Potato Month should tell you everything you need to know about produce merchandising in winter.  Oh, and a Happy New Year to all.

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