Friday, January 6, 2012

Frustrating Friday

When markets fall and no one wants to speak with you, it brings me right back to those awkward high school dances.  The girls all want to dance, but the guys are either too shy or self conscious to ask.  The few guys who do are immediately the most popular with the ladies and the rest of us wind up in the corners imitating wallflowers.  The majority of customers are so afraid of being burned by rapidly falling markets they refuse to order, thereby causing the markets to fall even further.  It's the opposite of a virtuous circle.  More like a circular firing squad as shippers keep cutting prices to steal orders from one another.  The few buyers with cojones are able to buy the best labels at rock bottom prices and make friends of those shippers, while the rest of us head to the dark corners.  Now I know why I hated high school.

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