Monday, January 2, 2012

Weight loss and the veg business

Look around the next time you enter your office (not you Neil) and see how many obese persons you can spot in 5 minutes.  Chances are you will be surprised.  No, they are not all Walmartians, although the percentage of fatties rises exponentially in those precints.  All of these people are potential vegetarians.  The studies have been done, and weight loss goes hand in hand with increased vegetable consumption.  Weight watchers is a case in point (pardon the pun).  Their entire system gives each customer a maximum number of points worth of food to consume each day.  Most vegetables are 0 points, so you can eat unlimited portions of leafy greens, fruits and many other vegetables.  I have seen first hand that most weight watchers do not take advantage of this facet of the program.  Perhaps there should be a vegetarian weight watchers program.  It occurs to me as I write this there is probably such a program already.  We need to take such a program nationwide, touting the health benefits as well as the weight reducing ability of such a diet.

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