Wednesday, January 18, 2012

eating for health

That Paula Deen fessed up to her type 2 diabetes diagnosis is surprising, only that it comes 3 years after the fact.  That she should use the announcement as a platform to hawk a non-injectable medication to combat the disease is as tawdry as it is unsurprising.  According to the news story I saw regarding Ms. Deen's announcement, she does not plan to change her approach to southern cuisine, just cut back on the portions of salt, fat and sugar she has been pushing for years.  If she is your guide to southern cooking, you are probably unaware that drowning everything from collard greens to chicken with monumental portions of bacon drippings, lard and salty and sweet seasonings is the only way southerners can enjoy food.  Vegetables are certainly an afterthought in the Deen world.  It would appear she is not planning a road to Damascus moment of conversion to healthy cooking and eating.  More's the pity.

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