Monday, December 12, 2011

the weirdness continues

Weatherwise, it's such a lovely day, to quote the song, but that's only here.  Seven and a half inches of rain in South Florida, snow in Little Rock, and more on the way for other southern locations.  It's a festival of strange on the weather front.  The freeze in the Arizona desert will make your holiday dip tray a little more expensive as cauliflower and broccoli prices rise.  Meanwhile, east coast spinach growers are still shipping, much to the chagrin of Texas and Arizona growers.   What is remarkable about the above reports is the frequency with which they are reported.  Where any one of the weather events I described used to be a once a year or once a decade experience, now you can find all of them on one weekend.  What that bodes for the future of agriculture here and globally is ominous.

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