Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nutrition and Politics

As the clown car of Republican candidates descends to Iowa for the blessing of the few, dedicated  true beleivers who skew heavily towards the evangelical end of the religio-political spectrum, I wonder if nutrition has anything to do with political affiliation.  Surely, socio-economic status has hitherto been the most reliable indicator of allegiance to democrats and republicans.  The evangelicals have recently skewed this as they apparently put social and religious issues ahead of economics.  So you get the spectacle of a $30,000/year mechanic voting for the plutocracy because they promise to put a lock and key on his neighbor's daughter's uterus.  What is he eating?   I have a feeling better nutrition, i.e. less twinkies and more fresh veggies might help clear his thinking a little.  Anyway, I believe, without any particular evidence that the dumbing down of our political discourse is connected to the enormous amounts of empty calories consumed by too many of my countrymen.  It tends to preserve my sanity.

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