Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tis the season

For patronizing far off farms as we try to deny the seasonal eating which virtually every generation before the baby boom lived with.   Instead of eating the storage vegetables available in each region of the colder parts of the country, we have an iceberg or romaine salad courtesy of Yuma, Arizona.  The lettuce was probably harvested at least a week before the consumer ever gets their hands on it, so the freshness angle is greatly overplayed.  If there was ever any nutrition in the lettuce it probably was lost during transit.  The broccoli, cauliflower, greens , etc. are definitely more nutritious, but even they suffer from extended transit times.  In many cases, flash frozen veg has more nutrients than its stressed out fresh counterparts.   I guess I have been spoiled after many years of gardening, but I have become more and more reluctant to buy the "fresh" vegetables offered during the winter.  I usually succumb, but with the lengthening season in my own gardens the transition to week old veg is looking even less palatable than usual. 

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