Thursday, December 8, 2011

Weather fixation

I know I have a weather fixation, but since it so directly impacts everything I do, I beg your indulgence.  Freezes in S. California and Arizona.  Torrential rains in the midwest.  Mild temps in the Northeast.  What is a produce broker and small farmer to do.  Mostly enjoy, I guess.  The spinach deal continues in New Jersey as some fields are coming back for recut for the third time with some of the best quality of the season.  Meanwhile, frost and freeze in the Arizona desert where most of America's winter lettuce is produced have forced the price up and limited availability for Christmas and New Year's promotion.  I still have lettuce in my garden, although it would be some damage to pick through.  Anytime you can pick fresh salad greens in December in northern New York, it is strange, to say the least.  Carpe diem!

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