Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fired up, ready to what

Beautiful morning here on the NCR.  The temp is a mild (For December) 28 degrees.  It makes you feel empowered to work and satisfy the intense demand for the healthy products you are selling.  Then you make the first call and get the first rejection.  "I can buy the same item for $1.00 less at so and so".  The balloon deflates and reality sets in.  Time to get into the grind it out mentality that has served me over the years.  There is a customer out there for every carrot, head of lettuce or cauliflower, not to mention spinach.  The trick is to find the willing buyer at a price we can both live with.  That is the essential process in our capitalist society in its most naked form.  Supply and demand in the most elemenal form. 

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