Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Not a creature was stirring...especially truck drivers

I hate the week between Christmas and New Years.  Buyers are on vacation and their subs don't want to talk to anyone unless they have to.  Suppliers are frantically trying to move the crop which inconveniently won't stop growing for the holiday.  Consumers are still eating leftovers from Christmas and planning New Year's parties which are mostly booze and salty snacks and finally, looming over all is the absence of trucks from the road.  There are a few hardy souls out there willing to deliver, but seemingly, the vast majority of truckers want to haul a load which arrives close to their house on Christmas Eve, and then hibernate until Jan. 2.  Add in the first serious snow storms in the Plains states and the mountains and even the few trucks on the road are being delayed.  As I have whined previously, holidays are the bane of the produce business.

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