Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Snow business...

Blizzards in the heartland, ice in the fields in Yuma, balmy breezes in Montreal.  Wait, what's wrong with this picture.  It seems this year we will be robbed of our traditional white Christmas.  I for one won't be crying if we are green on the 25th.  The spinach still looks nice under the reemay blankets and the collards and kale are hanging out with panache.  Still no push for fresh veggies on the wholesale markets.  It seems the consumer has factored in the mild temps and is putting off Christmas dinner shopping til the last moment.  At least that is what produce growers, buyers and sellers are hoping.  Otherwise, the markets will tank and the eggnog will curdle.  Unless there is a major weather event, the prospect of the New Year will be somewhat terrifying if the last couple of weeks are a preview of future prospects in the deal.

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