Thursday, December 22, 2011

Silver Bells and lead linings

The wreckage of the Christmas business is on full display in Hunt's Point market this morning.  Lettuce at $12, cauliflower at $14. and on and on.  The FOBs for all these items are at least that high, which means there are a lot of bill downs going on.  So the only white Christmas shippers are experiencing is a blizzard of paperwork as they see their potential profits evaporate.  Meanwhile, the consumer, on whom we all depend is nowhere to be seen.  There will be business before the holiday, but how much and when is the question.  Meanwhile on the NCR, I'll be harvesting the Christmas spinach and New Year's collards tonight.  The temps will be in the low 40s today, but it looks like a real White Christmas by tomorrow at noon.  We'll see.

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