Friday, December 9, 2011

Family farming

A friend recently sent a you tube link to some farmers at the OWS in New York.  They looked to be fairly young, probably supplying the green markets in the city during the season from small farms just outside the megalopolis.  These are the kind of farming entrepeneurs who get nada from the government, except for programs aimed at low income taxpayers.  While Cargil, ADM, and the 10,000 acre corn and soybean growers rake in millions of our dollars to subsidize the factory farming system which is turning  Murcans into the most obese society in history.  Let's spend some of that funding on the 5 and 10 acre local farmers who put virtually all their income back into their community.  If these folks can make a decent middle class income, the local food movement would get a huge shot in the arm and more people would be exposed to good, seasonal fruits and veggies at affordable prices.  It would be a virtuous feedback cycle, encouraging more ambitious young people to get into the farming business.  That is critical, as the older generation of farmers is rapidly reaching retirement without replacements.

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