Sunday, May 1, 2011

A beautiful 1st of May

We are in that blessed cycle (for weekend farmers) of rain during the week and mild sunny weather on weekends.  The garden was still too wet to work on Saturday, so got a bunch of seedlings started in the basement under grow lights and in the cold frames outside.  Sunday was even nicer, so got more spinach planted as well as onions and a row of strawberries.  My garden beds are either 30 or 36 inches wide and 25 to 90 feet long.  The beets and onions planted in the open garden two weeks ago are sprouting.  According to the professionals, even though the temperatures have been below normal for most of the spring, the abundant rainfall has thawed the ground sooner than is usual, so the soil temps are higher than expected.  Now, if only the fields will dry, the growers can still stay on schedule.  Unfortunately the next four days will feature rain in varying amounts with lots of clouds.  Fortunately for me, I will be in Myrtle Beach, taking soil samples.  Blogging may be spotty for the week.  Fore!!!!!

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