Tuesday, May 17, 2011

incoming ducks

If another person tells me it's a day for the ducks, I think I'll dust off my shotgun.  Even the mallards must be tired of this weather.  Planted fields along Rt. 87 north of Plattsburgh resemble lakes and ditches surrounding them are rivers.   It's a good thing seeds can take a lot of abuse and still sprout and grow.  That ability will be tested in the next few weeks.  One grower who managed to get planted a couple of weeks ago lost the field to wild pigs.  He said the field looked like someone came in and replowed seven acres.  The worst part is now the pigs know where this particular dinner bell is ringing.  Between the rain here and flooding in the midwest, the price of corn, and thus nearly everything, especially the foodlike substances that make up a major part of many Americans' diets,will go up.

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