Monday, May 9, 2011

farming and golf

Now that I'm back behind a desk instead of teeing off, I can definitely see some similarities between golf and farming.  In both pursuits, you get up each morning with a clean slate and the expectation you can and will do better than the day before.  Then reality intrudes and you are thrilled you did as well as the day before, considering the octuple bogey you made on the 9th hole or the thunderstorm that hit just as you finished preparing to seed the first spinach of the year.  Or you think that $5 nassau is in the bag and you hit your tee shot OB on the 18th.  Just like counting your profits on the beautiful crop you raised until you find out the price of gas went to $4./gallon and everyone decided not to eat their veggies this week.  Yet, both the farmer and the golfer will go out again tomorrow expecting better of themselves than today.  It is either the very definiton of insanity or a triumph of imagination over reality.

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