Monday, May 23, 2011

hopeful signs

Not much rain over the weekend, so got potatoes and brussels sprout transplants in and weeded some onion beds.  The grass continues to grow at a steroidal rate, but it is still too wet in spots to mow.  Usually by now even the wet spots have dried enough to at least have a go with the mower.  The cherry trees are blossoming, but the only bees I've seen so far are bumblbees.  A late spring is one thing, but we are now starting to get close to deadlines for planting some crops in Northern New York and Quebec.  We will have to have a good stretch of weather fairly soon, or thousands of acres of land will not be planted.  Even veg crops with fairly short cycles, such as lettuce and spinach will not be in steady supply as we go through the summer.  This will surely be one for the record books.

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