Tuesday, May 31, 2011

better days

Finally, sunshine and breezes on Memorial Day.  After weeks of cool and cloudy weather with over 6 inches of rain in May, it finally feels like summer may come.  Unfortunately, the gardens are in horrific shape and I am so far behind at some point I will have to till up some beds and start over.  The early beets and carrots are being overtaken by weeds and flea beetles have decimated the cabbage and broccoli.  The perrenial crops like rhubarb and asparagus are holding their own, and the garlic looks exceptional except where the water has been standing for 10 days.  Meanwhile, I need to plant tomatoes, peppers and winter squash this weekend, as well as all the other succession plantings.  Plus the mosquitos are licking their probosci at the thought of fresh blood.  I love this business.

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