Thursday, May 12, 2011

tractors away !

Like the homesteaders poised at the Oklahoma border during the land rush of 1893, tractors all around the North Country of NY and Quebec are idling at the edge of drying fields, waiting for the moment to plunge into spring planting.  That day is today, since showers are predicted from Friday through next Wednesday at least.  Much of the land is still too soggy to work, but windows are closing for some crops, such as onions.  If they are not planted by May 15, they will probably not be mature enough at harvest to store for the winter.  Other crops such as lettuce will be later than usual if not transplanted from the greenhouse this weekend.  However, if the crops are planted on land that is too moist, all kinds of other problems will ensue.   It is a Hobson's choice, but one that is all too familiar to the local growers.

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