Saturday, May 14, 2011

rainy Saturday afternoon blogging

First farmers' market in Plattsburg today.  I harvested my entire winter planted crop of spinach, about 15 lbs. worth and brought it down to my friends at Black Sheep Farms.  They will bag it and sell it for me.  I hustled back to the garden and got the first spring lettuce transplanted.  Seeded the first cilantro, green onions and some more radishes and finished the bed with cabbage and broccoli.  The forecast was for rain overnight, but it held off long enough to allow the extra field work, and now my seeds and seedlings are being watered by Mother Nature.  Hopefully she doesn't drown them in the next few days.  So far it is a light rain, but flood warnings are posted for the next 48 hours. Fortunately we are not experiencing the floods they are getting in the midwest.  The mess out there should impact ag prices and possibly veg prices as the year progresses.

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