Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Produce perfection

One of the hats I wear during the day is consumer care specialist, aka the complaint dept.   I enjoy listening to consumers who have questions, comments and complaints about the spring mix, spinach and other products we sell.   The consumers tend to separate into distinct subgroups.  Of course, most people will not even think of calling the phone numbers posted on a product, so those who do are already a minority of the population.  Those who do generally are friendly and understanding of the problems involved with growing and processing a lettuce crop.  However, there is a small subgroup of amazing people out there who feel a personal affront if there salad has the least imperfection, let alone a major problem like the presence of an insect in the packaging.  For these consumers, 100% satisfaction is mandatory and anything less is cause for immediate compensation.  It does not break down along age or gender.  Young or old, male or female, these consumers expect and demand satisfaction.  I don't know if civilization as we know it could survive if these people were in the majority.

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