Thursday, May 26, 2011

tempest in a washing machine

Both Fresh Express and Taylor Farms are pushing their own proprietary washing solution which are both supposed to be superior to the industry standard, the old reliable chlorine wash.  All three systems kill e-coli and salmonella bacteria if they are applied to the entire leaf.  The systems offered by Taylor and Fresh claim they reduce the "plate count" or overall amount of bacteria more effectively than chlorine.  This is nice, but most bacteria are not harmful to humans, so it is unclear what advantage, if any these systems provide.  What they may do is precipitate an advertising war which may cast doubt on the safety of all processed salads, with each side claiming their wash is safer.  To the average consumer, this will lead to confusion and a demand that government step in and "pick the winner", as our right wingnuts protest all the time.  I'm sure this is an unintended consequence of this competition.

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