Thursday, May 12, 2022

What's Going On

         The words to Marvin Gaye's classic song play out in my mind nearly every day.   Written in the early 1970's at the height of the Vietnam war, Gaye's anthem stresses "only love can conquer hate".   That message is relevant 50 years on.    It seems our nation is as polarized now as it was then.   You actually hear people on the far right talking about civil war and killing those who don't agree with them.

      Intolerance, fed by the hatemongers on Fox and other right wing media outlets, threaten the future of political discourse.   Misinformation is rampant, especially on the right.   Casual hate for Democrats is all over Facebook.  What's Going On?   I'd love to be more optimistic about the future, but if past is prologue, we are in for a world of hurt.  Marvin Gaye was murdered by his father, an ordained minister in 1984.

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