Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Roe vs. Wade and what it means

        It was probably one of the liberal justices' clerks who leaked a draft opinion by the Supreme court's resident fascist, Samuel Alito, ending the legal protection of abortions provided by the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision.   Instead of having to wait until June to organize, proponents of the landmark decision can now start making the midterm elections all about a woman's right to choose vs. the dystopian vision offered by an energized Republican party and their sponsors.

      Personally, I think the Republican dogs have finally caught the car.  They are about to find out what happens in that case.   Casual supporters of women's rights will now be avid voters to support their mothers, wives and daughters.   Suburban Republicans will be among the first to prioritize support of those who advocate legislative solutions at the federal level.

     I know the talking heads on MSNBC were exploding last night with a gloomy Handmaid's Tale vision of the future.   However, i think Republicans have woken a sleeping giant at their electoral peril.

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