Thursday, May 26, 2022

It could happen here

        Our home is across the street from the campus of the Peru Central School District here in northern New York.   3 of my grandchildren attend the school.   While working in the yard yesterday I heard the happy shrieks of 2nd and 3rd graders on a physical education interlude.  It had something to do with pool noodles and lots of running.   It was a happy scene.   I couldn't help but contrast it with the horror which occurred in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday.

       Could it actually happen here.   If you say no, you have not been paying attention.  Due to New York State laws, it would be marginally harder for a teenager to acquire an AR-15, but as the Buffalo shooter demonstrated it's not impossible.   That shooter's father gave him the gun.  

      My grandchildren will surely be practicing active shooter drills in the days ahead.  It will probably cut down on their play time.   What are we telling these kids about our society and the gun fetish which may cost them their very lives?

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