Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Connecting the dots

      In today's NYT, Paul Krugman traces the descent of the GOP from a mild, center right party in the early 1980s to the lunatic organization whose leaders continue to dispute the legitimacy of Joe Biden's election and encourage people like the Buffalo shooter with their espousal of the "replacement" theory.

      From Arthur Laffer's justification of the tax cutting supply side economics, the center of gravity of the Republican party has moved steadily rightward.   The base of the party now refuses to believe that Democrats can legitimately win elections.   At a rally last year, one yahoo asked when he should start killing members of the Democratic party.   A stealth Civil War is at hand and many in the center and on the left don't believe it.

     Meanwhile, the Republican Party, heirs to the legacy of Lincoln continues its devolution into an authoritarian organization.   Party leaders, who in private continue to disparage the cult of Trump, say they will support the twice impeached failed former president if he runs in 2024.

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