Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Judicial activism

        I have a feeling not too many people are following the developing story of Ginni and Clarence Thomas and their advocacy for overturning the will of the people via compliant state legislatures.  They are acting in tandem; Thomas supplying the dubious legal reasoning to allow state legislatures to nullify election results they don't agree with and his wife doing the actual lobbying of said legislatures.

      This was one  of many paths to the coup which would have kept the former guy in the presidency.   Along with the "Stop the Steal" campaign which ended with the assault on the Capitol, the pressure applied to state election officials was rather crude and mostly rejected by Republican and Democrats alike.  The same political actors such as Ginni Thomas are refining their techniques in preparation for 2024.   Their political lobbying is likely to fall on more receptive ears this time around.  Perhaps the GOP will not have to resort to threats of violence to change election results this time around.

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