Monday, May 23, 2022

He went there

       In the latest tell all by a former Trump administration appointee, Mark Esper tells us tRump asked why demonstrators at a  Black Lives Matter demonstration in front of the White house could not be shot.  He wasn't joking.

       Now comes an interview on NBC in which Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson says she was told by a source that tRump suggested shortly after the election of 2020 she should be arrested for treason and executed.  This, after Benson certified Biden's victory in the state.   Naturally, a tRump spokesman called Benson's assertion a lie.   I'm sure another rogue tRump intimate is in the final stages of writing another chronicle of the last days of the former guy's administration in which she will confirm the Dear Leader's wish for Benson's demise.

    The mind boggles...

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