Wednesday, May 25, 2022

A new episode in a long running series

         I have a modest personal connection with the latest mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.   I did business in the town over a period of 30 years with growers of spinach and other crops.   My company, Jerry Shulman Produce still buys produce in the town and our buyers speak to the growers nearly every day.   Some of them have children of an age with those gunned down in another senseless massacre perpetrated by an 18 year old child.  I pray  none of their children were hurt or killed in the incident.

      I'm sure if you take a poll in Uvalde in the near future, an overwhelming majority will favor sensible gun regulation.   Probably in most towns where mass shootings have occurred support for legislation is high.   I hope it will not take hundreds or thousands of these incidents to convince a majority of legislators to support new laws restricting the sale of weapons of war to those with a legitimate need for them; in other words, no one.   If we don't, the tragedies of Buffalo and Uvalde will be repeated over and over.

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