Thursday, May 5, 2022

the pro-birth party

        Democrats are casting about for a convincing answer to the imminent demise of Roe vs. Wade.   This morning, one of the talking heads on Morning Joe suggested a name for the GOP; "the pro birth party".  I'm sure this moniker has been applied to Republicans before.   The party is famous for advocating for blastocyst Americans from conception through birth.  Its' solicitude ends at the moment of birth.

       Republicans oppose parental leave, health insurance for children, the child care tax credit, childhood nutrition programs and the list goes on.   Why can't Democrats rally around their agenda, which include support for all those programs?    Even the climate agenda of both parties shows the complete disregard of the future by the GOP and Democrats' fight against climate change.  

       The tools are there to educate the public.  Democrats need to embrace them and show people who really values children once they are born.

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