Friday, May 20, 2022

Chicken littles of the world, Unite!

        Watching cable news these days is not for the faint of heart.   Despite the oft repeated fact the stock market has little or nothing to do with the actual main street economy, the market's recent sell off has brought out the gloom and doomers who would have you believe the fall of western civilization is nigh.  

       Inflation has knocked the war in Ukraine onto the back pages or the final few minutes of cable news.   Consumers are pictured as symbolically slitting their throats as they fill up the tanks of the gas guzzlers they bought when fuel was cheap due to the Covid panic.   Republicans are making political hay over an infant formula shortage brought about by corporate greed and lax regulation of the industry.  We are constantly being told to welcome a GOP wave election as if the party of tax cuts for the wealthy has any idea how to tackle the problems listed above.

    I think I am going to take a vacation from the Morning Joes of the world.   My political and economic  sanity hangs in the balance.   

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