Monday, May 16, 2022

They are coming for us

       Despite the furious denials of my congresscritter, Elise Stefanik, it's pretty clear she is trafficking in the same racist themes espoused by the shooter who killed 10 people in Buffalo on Saturday.   In a campaign ad published last fall, Stefanik said Democrats are bringing immigrants into the country in order to cement a permanent liberal majority.   While not as virulently racist as the shooter, the ad played to the same themes many in my congressional district embrace as truth.   

      Ironically, this district is more than 90% white, with a majority of POC connected with the colleges in the area or ex military who settled here when the PAFB closed in 1995.  Studies, which I'm sure Stefanik is aware of , show the whiter the district and the further from the Mexican  border it is, the more likely it is to be vulnerable to racist rhetoric.  Her cynical conversion from a center right congress person to an ultra MAGA troll is driven purely by desire for power.  I believe she fancies herself the next Speaker of the House.   Dog help us all.

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