Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Why can't we treat everyone equally

       If you listen to one side of the law enforcement argument, the failed former president should be in custody and facing charges related to events that occurred around January  6, 2021.   While hundreds of men and women who stormed the Capitol with the intention to overthrow the lawfully elected government are being prosecuted, none of the instigators and planners of the event have faced charges. 

      The American public is being treated to another whitewash of political crimes similar to the failure of the Obama administration to pursue war crimes charges against senior members of the G.W. Bush administration.   The rendition and torture of prisoners happened and we did nothing to hold those who did it accountable.   The same thing seems to be happening again regarding charges of sedition and treason against senior members of the tRump administration.

     President Biden made much of having a Department of Justice free of partisanship.   The DOJ is supposed to enforce the laws without fear or favor.  It is time for Merrick Garland to live up to that creed.

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