Friday, November 19, 2021

What, me worry

      As usual, the media has spotted a shiny thing, in this case, the proliferation of gun violence  and promptly decided to ignore or bury news on climate change.   It's much easier to cover the Rittenhouse and Arbury trials and speculate endlessly on the cultural significance of armed vigilantes coming to a street near you.   What gets lost is the urgency to do something about climate change before it gets completely out of hand.

      It has been speculated that for the entire population of our planet to live the middle class lifestyle we take for granted in America, we would need the resources of 8 earths.  The burning of fossil fuels and their attendant carbon debt is the reason we have transformed society in developed nations from bare subsistence for the majority of the population to a state of advancement wholly unimagined by previous generations.  It is now time to either repay this debt, or start eviction proceedings against the occupants.  We need to stay focused on what is really important for the human race.

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