Monday, November 8, 2021

The Beltway Pundit blues

      I don't know if D.C. beltway pundits are so unaware of the dreck they mouth on Cable or if they are just bought and paid for shills of the 1%.   I suspect it is a mixture of the two.  The Morning Joe program on MSNBC is a particularly egregious example of both.   On the one hand they praise Democrats for voting for the Bi-partisan infrastructure bill, then cudgel the same party for not taking enough credit for the legislation.

      The next segment was on inflation and after naming a couple of items which have increased in price by double digits they start running around the set with their hair on fire, blaming Dems for not being laser focused on inflation instead of the dislocations caused by the pandemic.  90% of the economic problems we have experienced in the past two years have been caused by either Covid or climate change.  Republicans have gone all in on opposing commonsense approaches to both issues.

       If pundits really wanted to practice truth telling, they could and should hammer the GOP 24/7 regarding its total opposition to good governance.   I'm not holding my breath waiting for this to happen.

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