Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Treason in defense of what?

        A long article in yesterday's Washington Post examines the timeline of the January 6 insurrection and what we know about it so far in excruciating detail.  It becomes plain that the majority of those who stormed the Capitol and entered the building were intent on derailing the certification of Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election.   

       These people committed treason and should be dealt with accordingly.   So far, however, the people who planned the insurrection and goaded the mob on 1/6 have not been held to account.   That includes the twice impeached, failed former president who watched the rebellion unfold on a giant screen in the White House and resisted calls to restrain his supporters for over 3 hours while they engaged in hand to hand combat with Capitol and Metro police.

     We are supposed to be a nation which respects the rule of law above all.   The next year will be a test of whether we will continue in that tradition or begin the slow slide into authoritarianism.   The leaders of the insurrection must be named and prosecuted to the full extent allowed under law.

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