Monday, November 22, 2021

False equivalences

       Despite the manifest problems with the verdict in the Rittenhouse trial, there are lessons to be learned from it.   That white innocence is taken for granted by a majority of whites has become evident as anyone listening to Fox news can attest.   The counter to this is the insertion of a black teenager into the same scenario.   You don't need me to figure what the likely outcome.

      Gun laws are written in such a way as to protect whites.   There is an unspoken truth that people of color will not be allowed to open carry long guns.   Changing the law to restrict everyone from open carrying weapons of mass slaughter will be difficult  if not impossible in today's political climate.

      Organizing Democrats to contest and win elections at the local level is the necessary prelude to more action when it comes to gun control.   Taking on the gun manufacturers at the grassroots is another way for the majority of Americans to exert some control.  

     Finally, sensible gun regulation must become a front and center issue for those who support it.  Otherwise, the 2nd amendment crowd will continue to elect opponents of legislation establishing the limits of gun culture in the us. 

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