Monday, November 15, 2021

Growing older

        In a shocking surprise, the Divine Mrs. M and a diverse cast of family and friends celebrated the occasion of my 70th birthday with a party which left me flabbergasted and grateful to all those who wished me well.  

       Call me exceptionally uncurious, but I had no idea of any planning going on until my sister and 2 brothers and their significant others came to the front door on Saturday afternoon.  Thinking that they travelled here for a quiet celebration, I was further surprised when I was ushered to a local event caterer where the rest of my family and many friends had gathered to shout the ritual "Surprise".  

       It is events such as this that make the concept of family real.  That so many people were willing to break their routines and plans to wish me well makes me humble.   Hopefully everyone reading this has family and friends as warm and loving as this 70 year old.  To the Divine Mrs. M, there are no words except "I love you" !

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