Friday, November 12, 2021

It's all the Democrats' fault

       The non right wing media has decided everything from "wokeness" to higher gas prices is the fault of the Democratic party.   From NYT editorials telling Dems they don't have a mandate to expand the social safety net to Morning Joseph imploring the party to do something about gas prices despite the fact they all know there is little or nothing they can do about said pricing.

      Democrats are between the proverbial rock and the hard place.     No matter what they do they will piss off a considerable part of their coalition.  Like the midterm debacle of Obama's first midterms in 2010, Democrats are probably going to lose the House, even if they vote to give everyone a pony.  GOP gerrymandering and the historic record explain that.  

       Democrats need to spend the next 10 months governing the nation like the responsible party.  Dog knows the other guys will spend the time before the next election flinging poo in all directions.   There is still plenty to be done legislatively, but the clock is running and the party had better start focusing now. 

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