Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Same old, same old

         No doubt pundits will be spending most of the next couple of weeks telling us about the impending doom facing Democrats in the wake of Republicans winning the Virginia gubernatorial race and possibly the New Jersey contest as well.   What many, if not most will do is quietly gloss over the "issue" which dominated GOP talking points throughout the campaign.  I am referring to Critical Race Theory or CRT, the acronym most refer to when touting it as the Southern Strategy for Republicans.

      The fact CRT is not taught in K-12 in any school system in America has not deterring Republicans from fearmongering the issue of history seen through the lens of white supremacy.   A new generation of white parents, many of them the offspring of Boomers with ambivalent feelings on the issue of race in America have bought the scare tactics used by Republicans like Glenn Youngkin in Virginia.   The recent removal of many statues celebrating the Confederacy has turned a non-issue into a potent political force.

     Primed by Youngkin's victory, the GOP will make the race and to a lesser extent immigration the defining issues of the 2022 campaign.   It is up to Democrats to educate their base and the rest of the nation regarding these campaign ploys.   It is hard to believe in the second decade of the 21st century we still have to deal with the legacy of slavery in this country,, but there it is...

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